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Turning Inserts (Groove Width (For Grooving / Plunging): 10.00 mm)

    • T-Max Q-Cut For Profiling


        T-Max Q-Cut For Profiling

        [Features]T-Max Q-Cut insertSolid carbide-coated insertFor parting and -groovingSingle-cutting-edge specificationFor profilingFor medium-feed machiningFull RWidth: 3.0 mm
        Czytaj dalej
        ShapeApplicationAvailable cornerswork materialBreaker UseRake angleCutting DirectionNose RO.D./ I.D. (For Threading)
        OtherGrooving / Parting1Steel / Stainless Steel / Cast Iron / Non-ferrous metal / Heat-resistant alloy, titanium alloy--No-handOther-
        Cena standardowa (bez VAT):
        39.29 €
        Standardowa data wysyłki:
        8 dni robocze
      • T-Max Q-Cut For Grooving


          T-Max Q-Cut For Grooving

          [Features]T-Max Q-Cut insertSolid carbide-coated insertFor parting and groovingSingle-edge specificationFor groovingFor low-feed machiningWidth: 5.0 mm
          Czytaj dalej
          ShapeApplicationAvailable cornerswork materialBreaker UseRake angleCutting DirectionNose RO.D./ I.D. (For Threading)
          OtherGrooving / Parting1Steel / Stainless Steel / Cast Iron / Non-ferrous metal / Heat-resistant alloy, titanium alloy--No-handOther-
          Cena standardowa (bez VAT):
          49.22 €
          Standardowa data wysyłki:
          8 dni robocze
        • CoroCut 1 / 2 For Grooving (2-Flute)


            CoroCut 1 / 2 For Grooving (2-Flute)

            [Features]CoroCut 2 inserts2-cutting-edge specificationSolid carbide-coated insertHigh clamp rigidityFor groovingFor medium-feed machiningSeat size: JWidth: 5.0 mm
            Czytaj dalej
            ShapeApplicationAvailable cornerswork materialBreaker UseRake angleCutting DirectionNose RO.D./ I.D. (For Threading)
            OtherGrooving / Parting2Steel / Stainless Steel / Cast Iron / Non-ferrous metal / Heat-resistant alloy, titanium alloy--No-hand0.8-
            Cena standardowa (bez VAT):
            79.83 €
            Standardowa data wysyłki:
            8 dni robocze
          • CoroCut 1 / 2 For Grooving


              CoroCut 1 / 2 For Grooving

              [Features]CoroCut 1 insert1-cutting-edge specificationSolid carbide-coated insertHigh clamp rigidityFor groovingFor medium-feed machiningSeat size: MWidth: 9.0 mm
              Czytaj dalej
              ShapeApplicationAvailable cornerswork materialBreaker UseRake angleCutting DirectionNose RO.D./ I.D. (For Threading)
              OtherGrooving / Parting1Steel / Stainless Steel / Cast Iron / Heat-resistant alloy, titanium alloy--No-hand0.8-
              Cena standardowa (bez VAT):
              57.05 €
              Standardowa data wysyłki:
              6 dni robocze