Manufacturer part number: WK109PT0
Price: 235.01 €
Delivery time: 3 Days
Connection: -
Current consumption: 25 mA
Input signal: -
Manufacturer part #: WK109PT0
Max. temperature reading: +650 °C
Part Number
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Part Number
WK109PT0 |
Part Number |
Standard Unit Price
| Minimum order quantity | Volume Discount | Connection | Current consumption (mA) | Input signal | Manufacturer part # | Max. temperature reading (°C) | Operating temperature (range) | Operating temperature (max.) (°C) | Operating temperature (min.) (°C) | Operating voltage (V DC) | Output signal | Product size (height) (mm) | Product size (depth) (mm) | Temperature reading (min.) (°C) | Type (manufacturer type) | |
235.01 € | 1 | Available | 3 Days | - | 25 | - | WK109PT0 | +650 | - | - | - | 19.2 - 30 | - | 93.1 | 102.5 | -150 | WK109PT0 |
Product size (width)(mm) | 6.2 |
This page is SIGNAL CONVERTER, part number WK109PT0.
You can find the detail information about specifications and dimensions on part number WK109PT0.
Basic Attributes
Input signal
Operating temperature (range)
Operating temperature (max.)(°C)
Operating temperature (min.)(°C)
Output signal
Current consumption(mA)
Manufacturer part #
Max. temperature reading(°C)
Operating voltage(V DC)
Product size (height)(mm)
Product size (depth)(mm)
Temperature reading (min.)(°C)
Type (manufacturer type)
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Optional Attributes
Part Number |
WK120RTD |
Part Number | Standard Unit Price | Minimum order quantity | Volume Discount | Standard Shipping Days ? | Connection | Current consumption (mA) | Input signal | Manufacturer part # | Max. temperature reading (°C) | Operating temperature (range) | Operating temperature (max.) (°C) | Operating temperature (min.) (°C) | Operating voltage (V DC) | Output signal | Product size (height) (mm) | Product size (depth) (mm) | Temperature reading (min.) (°C) | Type (manufacturer type) |
141.61 € | 1 | Available | 3 Days | Spring terminals from 0.2 up to 2.5 mm² | - | Pt100 von -200 bis +650 °C in 2-. 3- oder 4-Leiter Technik · Ni100 von -60 bis +250 °C in 2-. 3- oder 4-Leiter Technik über DIP-Schalter oder Software einstellbar | WK120RTD | - | -20 up to +65 °C | +65 | -20 | - | 40-20 mA or 20-4 mA freely adjustable | 102.5 | 93.1 | - | WK120RTD |